
The foreign secretary sidestepped plenty of questions from the Foreign Affairs Select Committee on Tuesday.
The protesting rabbis appealed to the global community to stop Israeli military operations in Gaza, despite the United States’ ongoing support for Israel’s invasion.
The president told demonstrators that he is "quietly working" with the Israeli government to get them out of Gaza, as the war between Hamas and Israel enters its fourth month.
"Do you have another solution to destroy the underground tunnel city?" Tzipi Hotovely said.
Given Israeli destruction of the Gaza Strip, critics say the rhetoric amounts to calls for forced displacement.
Lebanon and the Red Sea are now areas to watch as the chaos has spiralled out of Gaza.
"The taxpayers of the United States must no longer be complicit in destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza," the Vermont senator said.
Israel's cooperation is rare, signalling that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government is concerned the charges risk ruining the country's reputation.
Palestinians were told by Israeli officials to seek shelter in the areas now being targeted.