
“He calmly told me that when we heard the air raid siren, we would have 90 seconds to make our way to the bomb shelter. He asked me if I understood. I lied.”
Maoz Inon is a prominent peace activist who does not want "revenge" for his parents' death.
"No one should pretend this is going to be anything but horrific."
"I feel that the worst is yet to come," emergency relief coordinator Martin Griffiths said as the humanitarian crisis worsens for Palestinians in Gaza.
The shadow foreign secretary said MPs "should be very careful" not to drive division.
Several people inside Gaza or with families there spoke to HuffPost about life amid Israel's siege and anticipated ground invasion.
The ex-president spouted old falsehoods and a brand-new misspelling to rant in all caps about the Middle East violence.
As Israel escalates its offensive, US diplomats are being discouraged from publicly using three phrases that would urge calm.
The SNP leader also hit out at Rishi Sunak and James Cleverly's response to her plight.