Jonathan Gullis

Campaigners accuse home secretary of “pouring petrol on a xenophobic and racist fire they themselves have lit”.
The Green Party MP and Tory backbencher clash over the government’s crackdown on migration.
Homeless charities warn it is a “deeply problematic” proposal and called for clear guidance on what behaviour is deemed an “annoyance”.
Jonathan Gullis falsely claimed the Match of the Day host called Red Wall voters “Nazis” and “racist bigots”.
It may be from 2021, but her arguments are more relevant than ever.
Jonathan Gullis went on a bizarre rant criticising his own area even though his party has been in power for 13 years.
Jonathan Gullis said they "shouldn't have come here illegally".
Jonathan Gullis previously said teachers thinking about striking are making sure "kids" continue "to suffer".