Kamala Harris

Vice president nominee Kamala Harris took part in the Senate hearings of Amy Coney Barrett, rebuking Republican efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and abortion access.
The eighth episode of our podcast about November's vote asks whether there will ever be a female president.
The 2016 race will go down in history for many reasons but one key motif has often been overlooked: America’s sexism. Hilary Clinton’s run for president seemed to be held back by her sex, her campaign bringing into stark focus the boys club that is American politics. So why is the deck still so stacked against female politicians in the US, when other countries have been led by women for decades? And will there ever be a female president when America punishes women for traits that voters accept - or even like - in male politicians?
A political idea took root down on Peter Larson's North Dakota farm.
Jimmy Kimmel also exposed President Donald Trump's meaningless boasts about a Covid-19 vaccine with a stinging supercut.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Vice President Mike Pence went back and forth about the coronavirus pandemic, racism, climate change and more on the vice presidential debate stage.
The California senator responded to Vice President Mike Pence with all the looks.
The pandemic was topic #1 at the vice presidential debate. Kamala Harris responded with some devastating facts.
People on Twitter joked that the bug on the vice president's head during the debate with Kamala Harris should probably get tested for Covid-19.
"We can all Make America Not Actively on Fire Again," Jim Carrey's Joe Biden told voters.