kwasi kwarteng

The chancellor also failed to rule out he is set to U-turn on his mini-budget.
The prime minister is under pressure to reverse her planned tax cuts in a bid to end the economic turmoil.
Despite market turmoil, business secretary suggests chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng could ignore crucial economic forecasts.
One backbencher said the PM's supporters were "libertarian Jihadists who are wrecking the party" after a grim 1922 Committee meeting.
The prime minister is faced with a series of horrible choices.
Chancellor warned Conservative MPs are not guaranteed to vote for his fiscal plan.
Number 10 insists Liz Truss still backs the measures contained in Kwasi Kwarteng's disastrous mini-budget.
Kwasi Kwarteng has "lost all credibility and control", says Labour.
Yields on long-dated gilts have risen back up since the Bank of England's intervention to prevent pension funds collapsing.
In another U-turn, the medium terms fiscal plan has been brought forward from November 23.