
An overwhelming 94% of girls think that street harassment should be illegal.
Lawyers representing three families say a lack of meaningful contact with parents who are in jail could have a damaging long-term impact
One mother is taking the government to court over claims the system has left her in debt and without incentive to pursue a career. And she is not alone.
All charges were eventually dropped against the migrant women, whose case was fought by the English Collective of Prostitutes.
Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan took their battle for 'a relationship of equals' to the Supreme Court – and won.
Dave was a fresher at university when he claims a girl forced him to penetrate her against his will.
Almost 95% of surrogates support a change to what campaigners call an 'outdated' law.
Just 1% of prosecutions recorded since the 'extreme images' law change are for the possession of rape porn – compared to 85% for bestiality pornography.
A written constitution, something John Bercow now appears to support, would complicate things for the prime minister.
Stalking is not legally defined in the Protection from Harassment Act, but a series of behaviours are listed as guidance, such as following a person, persistently contacting them or spying on them. It only takes two instances of this behaviour to qualify as an offence under the act.