
If you're looking for inspiration for your own love letter, these quotes about love are sure to convey your deepest feelings.
"That I’m against love, when what I’m against is ending up with someone who doesn’t add to my joy."
The orange peel theory has taken TikTok by storm.
"He grabbed his wallet and dashed into the rain, like he was rushing to Target instead of another woman’s arms on Valentine’s Day."
"I think romantic love is beautiful, and I’d love to experience it for myself one day. I also accept that maybe it just isn’t in the cards for me."
"What miraculous alignment of the planets could bring two opposites together... and make them stick together for six decades?"
It's more common in longer-term relationships.
"I hadn’t 'rendezvoused' in eight years. That’s when my first husband died in a car accident on his commute home from work."