Mitch McConnell

The Republicans' outgoing Senate leader said he plans to spend his final two years in office pushing back against the Trump-fuelled isolationism within his party.
The veteran Kentucky senator stepped down from his perch as the top Republican senator after he froze up in front of cameras last year.
“I’m in good shape, completely recovered, and back on the job," the Senate minority leader said.
The Senate minority leader appeared unable to speak with reporters in Kentucky, just a month after a similarly scary episode on Capitol Hill.
The ex-president attacked two key figures who enabled his agenda.
Prominent politicians have lavished praise on Trump, just weeks after damning him.
After leaving in disgrace following his impeachment for inciting a mob attack on the US Capitol, the former president wants to consolidate his hold on the GOP.
As the US senate’s Republican leader, McConnell’s vote is highly influential.
Only five Republicans broke with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and voted with every Democrat to let the trial go forward.
No one knows what Mitch McConnell will do but he will shape the fate of the impeached president.