nadine dorries

But, only yesterday, she said "all hell would break loose" if Rishi Sunak gets into No.10.
"We are publishing this report to enable the House, and its members, to draw their own conclusions".
The former cabinet minister said only the former PM had a mandate from the public.
Former culture secretary blasts "absurdly called grandee" male MPs.
The culture secretary said replacing yet another leader would be a “totally untenable position”.
She did not completely rule out Boris Johnson making a return to No.10, saying it was "extremely unlikely".
Graham Stuart suggests it has been "bruising" for the former culture secretary to no longer being in government.
Former cabinet minister says failing to raise benefits in line with inflation would be "cruel".
The former culture secretary has accused Liz Truss of trashing Boris Johnson's legacy.
The prime minister insisted it was the chancellor's decision to cut tax for the rich.