Staff like me are putting ourselves and our family at risk, daily. But we’re not protected.
Sir Simon Stevens tells MPs "legitimate discussion" needed about early vaccination for teachers and police.
Health workers report feeling “guilt and sorrow” after feeling forced to shave their facial hair to be fitted for PPE.
Those sitting the final year test say they were forced to urinate in their seats, with some disqualified for making notes.
HuffPost UK’s Chris York takes you through the government’s plan to ending the pandemic restrictions in the UK through vaccinating the population. But will it be enough as new mutant strains of the coronavirus emerge?
Many colleagues would be with someone as they died, tell the family, and then have to go straight back on the wards and carry on. Imagine how difficult that must be.
An email to frontline workers, seen by HuffPost UK, reveals new directions to avoid precious Covid-19 jabs expiring.
I was meant to wait 12 months at most. This third lockdown means I’m at 16 months and counting – with no end in sight.
Data from NHS England shows every local authority reported a drop in rolling seven-day totals on Monday.
Rollout moves onto next two priority groups as government aims to hit two million jabs a week.