Office for National Statistics
Britain might need immigrants more than we realise over the next century.
Sunak has confirmed no planes will be taking off for Rwanda this side of the election.
"Tories – the snake oil merchants of the 21st Century?"
The latest Census data shows – for the first time – that less than half of the population identifies as Christian.
Those aged 16 to 34 saw an increase in long-term sickness due to mental illness, phobias and nervous disorders.
Research shows working class men, young people and parents of young children less likely to isolate.
Figure comes despite a highly publicised £23m information drive by the government to counter vaccine distrust and disinformation.
The comments come after England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty said there were still risks to reopening society.
An ONS survey found 41% are seeing people other than household members, care workers or members of their support bubble.
Around one in seven people in England would have tested positive for Covid-19 antibodies by mid-January, new statistics reveal.