
My son, the one in my arms, is not baby number one he is baby number three – I have two more babies by my side you just can’t see them.
"Gave our three-year-old an ice cream cone and now everything within a square mile is sticky."
"My kid just referred to the newspaper as 'the floppy iPad.'"
New figures show that 40 percent of teachers expect to leave the profession by 2024 because of impossible workloads. Many blame an increase in data and reports that they are expected to produce, on top of their teaching schedule. Others say that they are also expected to deal with social and pastoral care, and even knife crime. We spoke to teachers up and down the country, as well as those who have quit the classroom, to find out what it’s like for them.
“You need time to bond with your baby – limit your visitors"
"Parenting is complaining bitterly about someone leaving only crumbs in the near-empty Cheezit box, then eating the crumbs anyway."
Nothing I dared imagine even comes close to how difficult and relentless looking after a baby has been. If I’d known, I might not have done it.
I look at my kids and their sheer existence brings me joy. I think back on all the times I shied away from hand holding and hugging with my own mother and I feel sad and ashamed.
"The first hour of getting your kids dressed for school is always the toughest."
But the Commons leader added she was "a staunch supporter" of equalities classes in schools.