We asked some customers in Starbucks what they thought of the latte levy.
Three stores in Birmingham will be testing the plan to help consumers recycle more.
They are also gender neutral.
The bags will be in all stores by the end of the summer 🌱
More than 85,000 of Pret's drinks are now served in reusable cups every week. Here's how things are going in other coffee shops.
"Small, mindful, purposeful steps contribute to a big difference."
Brought to you by E.ON
Nudge Theory works by introducing something new to re-focus people’s minds. Think of calorie counting on menus, or putting healthier snacks at eye-level
The chain uses 1.8 million straws a day in the UK.
A year ago, Ella wasn’t keen on putting her hand up in class, now she holds her own while persuading hotel managers to switch from plastic to paper straws.
“The UK does not have an adequate system to capture, recycle and re-use plastic materials.”