Proud Boys

"[They] had not shown this to the American people just yet. To their audience," said King of coverage from "another network" on the Proud Boys verdict.
The verdict bookends one of the government’s highest-profile cases against leaders of two extremist groups that flooded DC in late 2020.
Walmart Finally Ditches MyPillow
A mob loyal to Donald Trump stormed the seat of US democracy, yet more arrests were made in peaceful anti-racist protests over the summer.
A man was also shot in Washington state in clashes at a similar rally.
Trump tells police not to "hold back" on "antifa scum" as skirmishes erupt in Washington following march protesting president's election loss.
A hashtag used by the far-right hate group Proud Boys has been hijacked by the LGBT+ community.
The president told the group to “stand back and stand by” during Tuesday's election debate with Joe Biden.
The president insisted, without evidence, that violence is a left-wing problem.
Proud Boys, QAnon conspiracy theorists, Infowars fans and other assorted pro-Trump extremists descended upon Orlando on Tuesday.