
"I wrote a poem from the perspective of a pumpkin spiced latte and performed it on zoom."
Irene and Francis Lau, along with their three-year-old son Freddie, have gone to Beijing, China to visit family for Chinese New Year. They haven't been outside for the last three days as most places are closed. Now, they are awaiting their flight back to the UK but have been told that British Airways flights ‘could be cancelled up two hours before they fly’. Irene is twenty-one weeks’ pregnant and worries she could get sick. On arrival back in London, they have made plans to self-quarantine and work from home.
Boris Johnson boasts Britain has "one of the toughest border regimes anywhere in the world." So what do we know about what went wrong?
Nigel Skea's lawyer said it was a "classic tale" of two lovers wanting to be together – but breaking the law.
Covid travel rules and restrictions could change in 2021 in the UK and abroad.
Other businesses who won contracts have already benefited from a series of government deals during the pandemic.
Arrivals from “red list” countries begin 10-day stays, costing £1,750, as one couple says they are going "crazy already".
Hotel quarantine risks being the worst of both worlds: too weak to stop new variants, too strong for tourism jobs, writes Sarah Nickson.
Quiet minority of MPs wonder if the hotel plan will actually work
Laundry? Food? What about your car at the airport? Here's what we know so far about the scheme.