Republican National Committee
Trump has called himself a “king” and hinted at pursuing another term — and now powerful GOP groups are fundraising off of the idea.
The lies Trump told at CPAC about the election and his record were not new, but his request for supporters to give money to his new political committee was a first.
After leaving in disgrace following his impeachment for inciting a mob attack on the US Capitol, the former president wants to consolidate his hold on the GOP.
Trump’s hold on the Republican National Committee still appears strong, despite his inciting of a violent insurrection at the Capitol to overturn the election he lost.
The fundraising figure underscores the president's fierce grip on the Republican Party, even after his loss to Joe Biden.
The outgoing president's post-election fundraising committee could well be a legal slush fund for his personal expenses.
Republican officials claim impeachment inquiry into the president has “supercharged” fundraising efforts.
This is the largest known data breach of its kind.