Rishi Sunak

The home secretary faces a probe into whether she broke the ministerial code.
Downing Street has insisted the prime minister has "full confidence" in the home secretary
The home secretary has been accused of asking civil servants to help her dodge a speeding fine.
The party has descended into open civil war as a general election defeat looms.
The prime minister would only call them "priorities" in a Sky News interview.
Sky's Beth Rigby quizzed the prime minister on the Tories' disastrous local election results.
The prime minister repeatedly refused to re-commit to his party's 2019 manifesto promise.
Refusing to applogise for his mini-budget, the former chancellor says he is “very struck, actually, by the fact that people are ‘you tried your best’”.
Prime minister dismisses Nigel Farage’s declaration that "Brexit has failed".