Russell Brand
The survivalist was revealed to have helped baptise the comedian in the river Thames last year.
"When I commented on these posts, I made the mistake of not realising that they could be easily interpreted as being politically related..."
"How to lose a Tony in under 30 characters."
A week has now passed since the actor and comedian spoke out to deny the allegations being made against him.
"Why is my consent totally unimportant when we are speaking a lot in the press right now speaking about the importance of consent?"
Claims the comedian had a relationship with a 16-year-old when he was 30 have sparked a conversation around the age of consent in the UK.
"Please don’t try and use me for whatever purpose you are trying to serve."
A spokesperson for the BBC said the shows in question "now fall below public expectations".
Promoters have confirmed that Brand's Bipolarisation shows will no longer be going ahead as planned.
"Shame on you, for attacking these women," Andrew Pierce said to his co-host.