
Home secretary gave a "ministerial direction" to over-ride Whitehall objections.
Sir David Normington said it was "simply not acceptable" to send asylum seekers to a country they don't know.
Boris Johnson's "world-leading" plan to tackle "vile people smugglers" by sending asylum seekers to Rwanda is deeply flawed.
“If it’s happening in the home office, in the same corridor I’m in, they haven’t told me about it."
Welsh secretary Simon Hart said the controversial policy was a "groundbreaking way forward".
Home secretary Priti Patel is expected to set out further details of a "partnership” with the east Africa country nearly 5,000 miles away.
African country distances itself from taking migrants as tweet mocks "Operation Dead Meat".
Hours before she was due to be rescued in Rwanda, Florence Ngirumpatse was hacked to death with her husband and 16 others. But we still don't know why.
Artistic freedom is not an absolute right; viewers deserve honesty. If a director chooses to tell the story of others, a little due diligence should be a minimum requirement.
From Rwanda, to Northern Ireland, to Brexit Britain, traumas of the past can shape attitudes of today