Sajid Javid
The world has rightly come a long way since climate concerns were a fringe issue, Chancellor Sajid Javid writes.
Following suggestions that Boris Johnson would do the "bare minimum", his spokesman says government will press on with domestic policies whatever happens on Brexit.
MPs furious at failure to produce any economic impact assessment of the deal.
The Queen's Speech suggested any bill should not place “undue burdens” on business.
It signals a doubling down by Boris Johnson on his "do or die" commitment to pull the UK out of the EU on October 31.
Mims Davies tells MPs she would "love" to see the threshold lowered.
Move would be seen as a handout to rich people.
Without wider reform, the increase in wages will effectively be like allowing workers to buy new skates but leaving them on thin ice, CLASS director Faiza Shaheen writes.
Prime minister on election footing despite being engulfed in controversy.
In electioneering move, chancellor Sajid Javid plans to extend higher rate to 'millennials' too.