'It’s a really weird feeling trying to wiggle my fingers inside my body.'
'For the women who I’ve met, being born without a uterus has been quite catastrophic.'
Cheers to this.
"Only 1% of the population will pass this test"
This could be the future of humanity
Fighting sexism with science
Important facts to bear in mind.
A disaster for UK science and universities
In 1950, Brits drank an average of 3.9 litres of pure alcohol per person. Then, in 1960, it begins to creep upward. The upward trajectory ends in 1980, but that turns out to be temporary. By the late 1990s consumption is rising rapidly again. Come Peak Booze, in 2004, we were drinking 9.5 litres of alcohol per person - the equivalent of more than 100 bottles of wine.