sexual assault

Four years ago, the "Access Hollywood" tape threatened Donald Trump's political career. Then he won anyway.
Labour MP Stella Creasy urges women "abused or attacked online or offline" to “come forward and be heard”.
The judge told him: “You told a pack of lies – not only to the jury, but your wife, the whips and the police.”
In any other profession, anyone accused of serious sexual offences would face immediate suspension followed by an investigation, Aisha Ali-Khan writes.
Alex Feis-Bryce, who reported a sexual assault by an MP almost 10 years ago, said he was "astounded" by how common stories of harassment were.
The Met Police is investigating four separate incidents, according to reports.
One complainant had accused the defendant of chasing her around his home, chanting: "I’m a naughty Tory."
Justice is rarely served when it comes to sexual violence, and it's about time to start a conversation as to why, Ilayda McIntosh writes.
Like Arabella in I May Destroy You, those who experience condomless sex without giving their consent are left doubting everything.
He could face 45 years to life in prison if found guilty.