Social Media

The evidence about social media and mental health is not straightforwardly one-dimensional - we may be at risk of creating a moral panic that distracts us from wider risks to young people
Friendly advice: don't be afraid of the delete button
A behavioural expert just told me all the ways I'm hooked on Instagram and wow.
So many women do wonder why no one told them the 'truth' about childbirth. The truth is that women should be in control and understand their options fully
People were asked to describe each of the social media sites.
Social media can make us feel worthless and not living up to expectations - that's certainly how I feel when my anxiety and low mood is at its worst
We were taught never to talk to strangers, yet I talk to more strangers on Twitter than I do acquaintances I know every day
'When you put the time in and get so little out, it’s time to move on.'
And if you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for?