Suella Braverman

A Downing Street probe is still taking place into how an article by the home secretary appeared in The Times without the PM's approval.
Chancellor distances himself from the home secretary as her job hangs in the balance.
On BBC Question Time, Labour shadow minister says "there’s no place for hate on our streets, but there’s no place for hate in the Home Office either".
Rishi Sunak's spokesperson says an investigation is being conducted into the home secretary's piece in The Times.
The home secretary has angered party colleagues with an article accusing the police of left-wing bias.
"Even Liz Truss in the dying hours of her premiership managed to summon the courage to sack Suella Braverman."
Mark Harper repeatedly refused to endorse the home secretary's claim that police have a left-wing bias.
Home secretary's makes latest "inflammatory" intervention ahead of pro-Palestine march on Saturday.
But the health secretary distanced himself from Suella Braverman's claim that the demo is a "hate march".
Richard Graham says the home secretary is damaging "cohesion in our communities" as backlash grows.