
From cheap and cheerful to the best you can buy, here's a selection of paddling pools available in the UK – from Lidl, Argos, B&Q, Aldi and more.
We talk the pill, tennis whites and kicking ass regardless – on court, in the pool and on the pitch 💪
Want to swim like a fantasy sea creature? At 'mermaiding' classes in Finland, adult women and men swim wearing a garment that combines a monofin flipper with fabric from the waist down to create a distinctive mermaid tail.
Because chlorine should be everyone's perfume
Brought to you by Voltarol
Swimmer is first to ever circumnavigate Great Britain - a journey of 1,791 miles.
Swim England's advice to shop swimwear by body type is precisely the kind of surveillance and objectification that actively discourages women from participating in sports
It also offered tips on what to wear to “accentuate curves”.
"Research shows that simply being in water can be restorative."