These photos show a snapshot of how the Afghans are trying to resist the Taliban.
The Afghan government essentially handed the country over to the Taliban on Sunday.
"Whatever the Western leaders say, or tweet, their influence is dwindling."
Trump referred to the terrorist group as great "warriors" and even suggested they have a right to rule the country.
"Did you see how the Taliban rolled through the streets and took back their county [sic]?" Robert O'Neill tweeted on Thursday.
There are several clips showing the Afghan infants being handed across large crowds.
“The Afghans I supported I have now heard have been executed in cold blood.”
The ex-Tory MP hit out at another speaker on the show for "living in the past".
The UK government announced it plans to resettle 20,000 Afghan refugees and at least 5,000 in the first year. But what can you do to help?
The UK plans to take in 20,000 evacuees from the country in the next five years.