The Waugh Zone

Pitched as safe as watching Antiques Roadshow on a soggy Sunday. Tory prospectus plots evolution not revolution.
The aim is pitch to Labour Leavers, but the Tories’ own plans set no ‘arbitrary’ cap
This election will test to destruction the idea that the UK is ready for 21st century socialism.
They sound complacent, but will Brexit be the gateway to a big Tory majority?
No knockout blow, although the Labour leader won some rounds on points. But time is running out.
Even if Jeremy Corbyn's policy is popular, experts say it may not deliver the support necessary to win the election.
NHS waiting time figures catch out Boris Johnson as Jeremy Corbyn faces problems in Scotland.
PM warns of "chaos", yet that’s exactly what the flooded north feels like to many.
Power, not just pounds and pence, are what may determine this election.
The PM has in recent weeks proved he knows how to negotiate, and the Brexit Party leader is the latest to succumb.