
There will be a series of large pilot events that take place from April, the government has announced.
Pantomime season keeps many theatres afloat, but without audiences packing them out, can the show really go on?
The theatre maker on their new show, Overflow, and "making staying inside as fun as possible" during lockdown.
Brighton's Hear Us Out festival sees older queer people speaking their truth – by performing other people's.
As the British government announces a £1.57billion bailout for the cultural sector there is uncertainty about how the theatre arts and its freelance community will survive. Artistic director Matthew Xia, set and costume designer Vicki Mortimer and a freelance stage manager, who had to go on Universal Credit to survive, discuss Covid-19’s effect on the UK’s theatre sector.
Financial help for the beleaguered arts sector has finally been confirmed, but is it enough to save the industry?
Fundamentally unworkable in a pandemic, the theatre industry has been badly hit by the virus - and as redundancies have begun, experts fear mass closures aren't far away.
Professor David Spiegelhalter accuses ministers of "embarrassing" and misleading "number theatre".
Pubs, club and theatre industry leaders warn of “catastrophic” impact for jobs and businesses amid confusion.
They didn't call it 'Let Them Roar' for nothing 👶