Theresa May
As the UK lurches towards 29 March with no agreed plan in sight, it can be hard to decipher what is going on. With multiple Brussels trips, negotiations, promises and back-and-forth, it’s hard to tell if Prime Minister Theresa May is saying much at all.
The PM is facing yet another battle this week.
Jeremy Corbyn says she's trying to "blackmail" MPs with last-minute vote.
The party's Westminster leader was forced to apologise and withdraw comment.
Theresa May to tell MPs to 'hold our nerve'.
Internal party polling and warnings from her chief whip and party chairman have forced her to 'think the unthinkable'
Go forth and blag it.
PM also dismisses Labour's customs union plan.
But 'meaningful vote' might not happen until March.
'Cooper amendment mark II' could be fronted by different MPs.