uk cats
Stay at home, save lives and wear sun screen.
The puuuurrrfect way to spark joy in these dark times.
The key advice from the government is to wash hands regularly, including before and after contact with animals.
This may be the first known case of a cat getting sick from the novel coronavirus, though experts stress cases of pets catching it remain extremely rare.
Animal shelters have seen a spike in people wanting to take in a pet. Cue lots of photos of happy dogs and cats.
No, your pet is not likely to catch the virus, but there are precautions you should be taking, vets say.
COVID-19 means US shelters are closing to the public and operating with reduced staff.
The Oscar-winning star has admitted she hasn't actually watched her performance as Old Deuteronomy back yet.
Staff at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home are optimistic about Monique's situation after her sad party for one went viral.
The Late, Late Show presenter played Bustopher Jones in the ill-fated musical film.