uk childcare
The year 2022 has served parents a permacrisis, from the NHS to the ongoing catastrophe of childcare.
The move means local councils will be able to fund childcare alongside other vital services like schools, GPs and public transport.
It's not good news for parents living in Luton.
It's been hailed as the 'most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK'.
And this is a lowball figure – costs have risen steeply since the calculations were made.
"Raising children is not a side hustle."
When you break down the costs, it's no wonder some nurseries are going under.
When men are making the rules, guess who suffers most?
"They are an extension of our family," says one mum of her child's nursery – now closing at short notice.
Another day, another man taking aim at women's bodily autonomy.