uk climate change

Scientists blame the sharp decline on climate and weather conditions.
A polar bear was hundreds of miles from his natural habitat, roaming around a village in eastern Russia. The exhausted animal reportedly travelled on an ice floe. He was tranquilised and airlifted back home and released back into the wild.
The five things you need to know about politics today
Teenage activist Greta Thunberg, who started a worldwide climate protest, among critics of plan.
But the government has refused to declare a national climate emergency.
In the age of never-ending climate change worry, one dietary strategy is growing more popular - eating insects. The environmental and health benefits of consuming insects are clear, as bugs are full of protein and take far fewer resources to produce compared to animal meat.
"It makes me see things from outside the box. I don’t easily fall for lies, I can see through things."
I know lots of people don’t have the privilege of being able to risk arrest, but I’m proud to have participated in this massive expression of civil disobedience
Greta Thunberg will address the protesters on Easter Sunday.
The boat was dismantled several hours after Dame Emma Thompson used it as a stage to rally protesters.