UK Conservative Party

“When we stand in line to vote, we are more likely to be hit by lightning three times than to be queuing behind someone who is committing voter fraud."
Opinion polls suggest Labour is on course to reclaim the Red Wall seat, but people are far from convinced by the party leader.
Conservative Nadeem Ahmed says Imran Ahmad Khan was "one bad apple".
“We need to talk to a new generation in the same way Cameron, Osborne, and yes for eight great years, Boris did in London.”
Prime minister tries to reassert his authority by talking about bananas and olive oil, while making some dubious claims about housing.
The chair of the powerful 1922 committee has said there are currently 'no plans' to change the rules to permit another challenge.
Boris Johnson appears to be overlooking the fact that his government just hiked taxes to their highest levels in 70 years.
"Obviously it’s a secret ballot and we’ll probably never know the exact kind of divide there,” Ben Bradley said.