UK Conservative Party

But the overall tax burden is set to hit a new post-war high - and economic growth will be weaker than previously forecast.
The chancellor will also unveil plans to cut the benefits of those who refuse to accept a job.
A torrid week for Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer may have brought forward their date with destiny.
Andrea Jenkyns said the Conservatives cannot win the next election with him in charge.
He has finally paid the price for a succession of humiliating by-election defeats.
Keir Starmer's party is tipped to win even more seats than Tony Blair did in 1997.
The prime minister had hoped the King's Speech would turn around his and the Tory Party's fortunes. He was wrong.
The home secretary has angered party colleagues with an article accusing the police of left-wing bias.
"Even Liz Truss in the dying hours of her premiership managed to summon the courage to sack Suella Braverman."