uk conspiracy theory

There have been many moments that have caused a stir on the ITV daytime show over the years.
I know we have a responsibility to call out conspiracy theories and fake news online, but I’m finding it’s easier said than done, writes Isobel Lewis.
Far-right groups and websites across the globe have taken advantage of people’s fears and vulnerabilities in order to push disinformation to vilify Muslims.
Theories about 5G predate the outbreak of Covid-19 – but that hasn't stopped misinformation about the technology being linked to virus cases from flourishing.
From bioweapon conspiracy theories to fake news stories about school infections, psychologists explain what's behind the spread of disinformation during a crisis.
Talk of a conspiracy is likely overblown but the real number is almost certainly higher.
Lecturers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Leicester and Bristol have accused rescue workers the White Helmets of mass murder in Syria – to condemnation from Amnesty International and others.
Government decided against changing the law after it concluded voters did not believe Jeremy Corbyn's election claims.
Disinformation can bleed into the real world in violent ways. It happened in the French city of Bayonne.
For deep-state conspiracy theorists, 8chan's return could bring “the second coming” of QAnon.