uk dating and relationships

Today is national STI day, and Ladies and Gentlemen, two weeks after the intense partying over New Year, it might be time to think about your sexual health.
Housework is one of those necessary evils. It has to be done even if the amount is negotiable. So negotiate about it. Argue about it. Decide on what you are and are not willing to put up with, for your sake and for the sake of the relationship. It should be the level you can take without resentment.
What if Valentine's Day, or relationships in general, were a stark reminder of the most painful and distressing events that you ever experienced? What if they triggered a trauma so terrifically challenging that it forever altered your approach to life? Welcome to Valentine's Day, and relationships, for adoptees.
I wonder sometimes what it would be like living with the Dalai Lama - because, even though he's probably about the most saintly guy on earth, I'll bet he's got some really irritating habits. You know the sort of thing - hogging the TV remote control; stinking out the lavatory and not opening the window; constantly losing his keys.