uk domestic violence

On 21 January 2019, the UK government released a draft update to the Domestic Abuse Bill, setting out more provisions to help victims of coercive behaviour. But for those who suffer economic and financial abuse at the hands of their partners and former partners, does the bill go far enough? From withholding spending money from their victims, to manipulating the family courts in order to rack up legal bills, perpetrators see little challenge to the economic and financial abuse they inflict on their victims.
Police must focus firmly on the perpetrator – call me radical and old fashioned, but they are the ones committing the crime
Two women a week in England and Wales are killed by domestic violence.
The death of an Israeli student Aiia Maasarwe in Melbourne, as she was walking back to her university residence, has highlighted the “disturbingly high” rate of violence against women in Australia. Seven months earlier, student and comedian Eurydice Dixon died in similar circumstances. She was raped and murdered in a park while walking home at night. On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner in Australia.
Natalie Connolly's death wasn’t a tragedy of the “high-life” or “rough sex” gone wrong. It was another woman’s life needlessly lost to endemic male violence, Erin Mansell writes.
Labour MP Jess Phillips says female killings are 'an epidemic' and Theresa May must act.
I have spent more than 16 years travelling. There has been literally no place where violence and discrimination against women and girls is not in some way accepted as a normal part of life
My father's violence seemed to come out of nowhere. But we later understood that he killed my mother and sister as an ultimate act of control over all of our lives
The Metropolitan Police Services have launched two videos which will play in GP offices across London, in an effort to increase awareness around domestic abuse. The videos highlight physical abuse, but also draw attention to coercive control, a form of psychological abuse. The videos are a part of a 16-day campaign to bring awareness around domestic abuse against women. An estimated 1.2 million women in the UK experienced domestic abuse between 2017-and 2018.