uk economy
Government announces end to rules which allow agency staff to be paid less than permanent counterparts.
Weak consumer confidence has driven down online clothing sales, firm says.
The UK has six of the ten poorest regions in Northern Europe, as well as its wealthiest - this has real consequences for the day-to-day reality of people’s lives
The UK economy relies on migrant labour - radically scaling back immigration could lead to severe labour shortages, particularly in the retail, restaurant, and hotel sectors
One in four of all sick days lost in the UK are as a direct result of workload - this is a crisis in work
Retail woes could worsen due to economic shock.
As the capital wrestles with all the economic and social problems of an overheated housing market and chronic congestion, the North of England is latent with potential - we can do so much more
Amber Rudd said Parliament would stop any “no deal” as May's deal is the best we will get - but is that the case?
The PM claims to be acting for the good of the country - but her deal keeps us so locked into the EU that people will be glad to re-enter
Working poverty cannot be simply solved by raising wages alone, when the welfare state and affordable public necessities are being eroded