uk general election

Ed Hall helped change the law on gay and lesbian rights in the armed forces, admires Remainer Tories and once supported David Cameron - but now wants a no-deal Brexit.
Nigel Farage uses campaign launch to attack Jeremy Corbyn and tell PM to "drop" his Brexit deal.
Labour leader backs Boris Johnson's plan for a Brexit election, telling shadow cabinet that no deal is now off the table.
Disclaimer: We recorded this just a couple of hours before Boris Johnson Boris Johnson called for a December 12 snap election - but still contains loads of great chat about whether a Christmas snap poll is a good idea for the Tories and Labour!MPs have backed Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal in principle, but refused to allow it go through the Commons in time for October 31 deadline agreed with the EU. Time for an election then? The PM wants one, but who will it favour?Arj Singh and Rachel Wearmouth are joined by Conservative MP Bim Afolami and Anand Menon, director of the UK In A Changing Europe think-tank, to talk over another dramatic week in Westminster.
After two years of bluff and bluster we have a deal that even the party proposing it cannot stomach – the only way forward is an election or a referendum
It has been another busy morning in the world of politics.
At one point, Theresa May received abusive tweets every 1.2 minutes.
Having worked on elections for eight years, I’ve learnt that every election is unique
Figures from across the party join forces to back call.
The more economic decline a town is battling, the better the Conservatives do.