uk government
Tory MP Nicky Morgan has called opposition parties to join a government of national unity.
Neither 48 Tory letters nor fixed term parliaments act required, says Commons constitution watchdog.
The five things you need to know about politics today
Theresa May made a statement to a packed House Of Commons on 10 December, explaining her decision to delay Tuesday’s Brexit deal vote. The Prime Minister had been on course for a heavy defeat, amid deep hostility to her plan.
We all need to recognise the enduring and constant nature of the harms of upskirting, ‘revenge porn’ and all forms of image-based sexual abuse. Too often, they are dismissed as not that significant
It’s time for our government to grow a backbone and protect Asia Bibi, who is a persecuted religious minority.
No child should be discriminated against by a faith school – or forced into one through lack of choice
The European Court of Justice has ruled that that member states can withdraw unilaterally from leaving the EU while they are still in the negotiating period. This confirms that the UK can revoke its Article 50 notice without having to consult the rest of the EU.
Instead of making it harder for people to vote, the Government should be focusing on ways to increase democratic engagement
The five things you need to know about politics today