uk lifestyle

As 2014 draws to an end, all eyes are on how to see off the old year and bring in 2015 with plenty of cheer...
My natural mother, has proved to me on many occasions that if her presence in my life is unwanted, if it causes too much trouble, if I decide that I need to choose a mother, then she will step back. She believes that I should be able to decide the extent of my involvement with her, whereas my adoptive mother at least for a time, wanted all or nothing.
Dying isn't a decision, and the fight for survival is not a fight, where the more pugilistic are destined to win. I think of Sunny now with her rosary beads, as I last saw her - staunchly convinced that her God would show her mercy. But it doesn't matter how relentlessly optimistic you are - just as it doesn't make any difference how many chia seeds you eat.
Another significant calendar event, another excuse for a tabloid newspaper-style, Pepsi Chart show-inspired 1990s corny playlist. I'm so last century.
Body Modification is a process whereby people undergo some pretty extreme modifications to their bodies such as horn shaped implants to the forehead and multiple piercings to various parts of the body including genitalia and orifices.