uk mental wellbeing
Five quick questions can reveal all...
'Some don’t know the situations young people are going through.'
Getting rid of that stuff, and the expectations that go along with it, is a tremendous weight lifted from your shoulders. When your fantasy self's formalwear is gone, so is the pressure to attend fancy parties - or the disappointment that an invitation to one hasn't arrived.
'It offers people a safe and empowering treatment choice.'
'I was shutting myself away from everyone and crying every day.'
'Talking to people who understand the challenges you’re facing can be life-changing.'
'It's having a devastating impact on their emotional health.'
Get down to the garden centre!
For many years I believed that I wasn't a very confident person. This was mainly based on the idea that I had of what confidence was. From school onwards we are taught that to be confident is to be the child that always puts their hand up in class, the one that volunteers to read the next chapter out loud in English lesson, or takes the lead in group activities.