uk music

The 'Grimbsy' star finally sheds light on why he won't be playing Freddie
Boy George appeared to have suffered with hair loss for many years after reviewing many pictures of him and more than likely the reason behind why he worn so many hats and made those big flamboyant hats part of his image in my opinion.
The uncontrollable forelock of hair is still there, but time has remade Dr Robert. Today, as the frontman of The Blow Monkeys, he is older, wiser, and when he speaks he's quick to laugh. But when he listens, it's with a quiet focus.
Had a nice little (I say little but it was perfectly adequate) bra slung onstage!! Always a treat. One side of it was a sequinned Paraguayan flag... the other a sequinned Union Jack!! And in that wonderful moment our two great nations had never been closer.
Radio stations, especially big ones like the BBC's national pop network Radio 1, are prepared for bad stuff happening: it's called 'obit procedure'. When a catastrophic news story breaks, such as the death of a royal family member, each network has an audience-appropriate mix of obituary music on standby that will 'reflect the mood of the nation'.