UK russia

“Hello, is this where one can find out if someone is alive?”
Ministers have apparently raised concerns about Ireland’s policy on Ukrainian refugees, arguing it creates security risk for the UK.
Defence secretary says Russian president is now a "spent force" in the world.
The list includes the UK and Ukraine, but Twitter users were surprised Liechtenstein, Montenegro and San Marino also made the cut.
Ukraine fury as Putin's safe passages would take people to Russia and its ally Belarus.
Leader of invaded country likely to ask for more arms and repeat calls for a no-fly zone.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) dismissed criticism after he tweeted out a photo from a video call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after specifically being asked not to share the image.
One Tory MP said: “When democracy is under threat in the West, why would you destabilise things here by getting rid of our prime minister?"
"We are involved in the biggest Anonymous op ever seen," the collective tweeted.