uk school
It's an alternative to Valentine's Day – one that won't make any kids feel left out or unwanted.
"I feel like I don’t trust my own judgement because you have so many people with letters behind their name telling you that what you’re doing is making a fuss."
"Getting to school and nursery in the mornings always feels a little like I’ve hurled myself into the centre of a tornado."
From vomiting on shepherds to unusual Abba adaptations – it's all happening at the school nativity.
Jamie Harkin is raising money for a local charity after his teacher, Mr Peters, died from cancer.
Government's own figures reveal almost 4,000 schools in England require restoration work.
If we don't teach our kids we love them for who they are, we're setting them up for a lifetime of feeling inadequate.
People are loving Jake Arsenault's hilarious school photo.
One week at a west Yorkshire primary school holds up a mirror to the crisis being felt by teachers and children in classrooms across the UK.
How many answers can you get right?