uk school

The Swan School in Summertown offers options such as lentil lasagne, minted pea and feta frittata and Quorn sausage and potato bake.
The rules include a ban on girls wearing skirts.
"Had to ask my 9-year-old to remind me what time her bedtime was."
“The future of our world is only as bright as our girls," wrote the former FLOTUS.
The pair arrived together at Thomas's Battersea this morning, alongside the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
"Congratulations" was the most common greeting at my children's school gate.
Prince George's expression, on the other hand, summed up how tedious it was going back to school.
From September 2020, all secondary schools in England and Wales will be required to teach about sexual orientation and gender identity. But what about younger pupils?
Everyone’s proud of their children, but there are ways to be proud and sensible at the same time.
“How would you tell my teacher if I felt upset or had a tummy-ache from the gate?”