uk weird news

Jeanne Pouchain’s status as deceased is the result of a court decision that deemed her dead even though no death certificate was produced.
Superfan from Staffordshire says he’s not in a huge rush to change it back.
"This is what they'll do when they win," one Twitter user quipped.
"Looks like a great spot to get baked," said the city's parks director, who plans to leave the structure up, at least for a "while."
Excellent hoofwork. A nose for the goal. A wild side. What else could you want?
"There's more than one up there," the former Senate majority leader says in the new UFO documentary "The Phenomenon."
Video taken Saturday aboard an Allegiant Air flight from Arizona to Utah shows a man choking another passenger who refused to wear a mask.
One suspected melon-head has been charged. The other is being sought.
"The only way to enjoy that Peloton ad is to think of it as the first minute of an episode of Black Mirror," one Twitter user wrote.