uk work

I told myself 2020 would be ‘my year’. I’m not at all sure of that any more – and I know I’m not alone, writes Tavleen Tarrant.
These tips could make things a little more comfortable while your home is your office.
Under lockdown, our work, social lives, entertainment and news are all being fed to us through screens.
If you're unable to work from home but need to self-isolate, you can get an "isolation note" to send to your employer that will explain your absence.
Advice for every traveller, whether your Advance or season ticket is with National Rail or London Underground.
In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, many of us are working from home. Here's how to clock off properly at the end of the day.
Here's how to make your day as productive as possible.
Have to work from home? Just be grateful you can, writes Harriet Marsden.