TV Drama
The Emmy-winning show is heading to another idyllic destination – with a fresh new star-studded cast of demanding guests.
Fans have been calling for an update on the show since it debuted on Disney+ in October.
The Disney+ drama had us hooked right up to its final moments.
“I can tell you one thing... the day they announce it, it's going to burn up the internet.”
"Now we're sucking diesel..."
The long-awaited film version of the BBC drama began production last month.
He has also doubled down on his previous divisive comments about Lyle and Erik Menéndez.
Cooper Koch and Nicholas Chavez have shared their take on the controversy.
The Emmy winner's claim that his show is the "best thing that has happened to the Menéndez brothers in 30 years" has not gone down well.
A woman claiming she inspired the "Martha" character in the hit Netflix show took action against the streaming platform earlier this year.