
Vaccines continue to save the lives of millions but for as long as they have existed so has anti-vaccine sentiment. Molecular Virology & Microbiology Professor Dr Peter Hotez, Professor Kevin Fenton from Public Health England and HuffPost journalist Jesselyn Cook on the perils of vaccine misinformation.
Rising case numbers, fresh lockdowns and an embarrassing vaccine spat with Australia are warnings that Brits shouldn’t pack their bags just yet.
Health issues are a deeply private experience, and you’re not entitled to know, writes Rachel Charlton-Dailey.
A surge in overseas holiday bookings from over-50s could spark an intergenerational divide.
Australia's finance minister said it was "unsurprising that some countries would tear up the rule book".
The regulatory approach to new vaccines will be similar to the modified flu jab, which changes every year.
People with asthma have been deemed clinically vulnerable throughout the pandemic. Why aren't they all being prioritised for the vaccine?
EU leaders have proposed a new pass scheme for Covid vaccines, tests and recovery.
Other political leaders have publicised their vaccinations as a way to promote trust in the science.
A simple guide to the new variant of concern – and the hunt for an infected person lost in the system.